Marketing is a social and
managerial process in which individuals and groups obtain what they need and
want by creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others. and a
total system of business activities designed to plan, setting prices, promoting
and distributing goods and services can satisfy both the customers current and
potential customers .
Before offering a product or
service to consumers, it must first
determine your target market would shoot. It could be that you are targeting
the community of young people, especially women, or the general public who come
from upper middle class or the middle to lower. Make sure that you market your
products or services to the right target market. Therefore identify the
consumer behaviors that you aim at, to know their interests and needs.
failed marketing, lack of
coordination and integration of all your marketing techniques so that they
support each other and keep moving your potential clients through your
marketing system. Not only do the marketing techniques and then walk away,
consider an example to create a marketing "network" technique in
which one technique encourages prospective customers to participate in other
marketing techniques. and when a failure occurs, then we should not despair and
must continue to strive to achieve success.